Get involved at Christ the King!

Attend our Bible Study groups on Sunday or Monday mornings

Volunteer to be a Reader of one of the Bible Lessons during the Liturgy

Join our staff of Ushers

Volunteer to be part of our work groups: Missions and Evangelism or Chancel Guild

Join the Senior Choir or have your kids join the Youth Choir

Help our Master Gardeners in our Memorial Garden

Volunteer in Sunday School

Attend our various social/fellowship events: Church Picnic, Progressive Dinner, Annual Prayer Breakfast

Participate/Support our Missions and Evangelism Outreach and Fund-raising Activities: Ringwood Hunger Walk for CFA, Adopt a Family for Thanksgiving, Fish & Chips Dinner

Join our Youth Group (Grades 2-6)

Help out with our monthly Coffee Hours following the Liturgy

Join our Prayer Chain and be part of our ministry to members and friends. This is a continuing source of comfort to those who have asked us to pray daily and specifically for their loved ones.