The BIBLE is the Word of God - absolute truth; it shows God in action. The Bible is preached in its truth and purity.

Three Ecumenical CREEDS - are statements of beliefs, not additions to the Bible; they support the Bible's teaching.

Apostles' Creed - is the oldest summary of Christian beliefs; tells the basic principles of the Bible; is used for general confession and religious teaching.

Nicene Creed - states basic beliefs about God; that He is TRIUNE - three persons in one God; tells about His works in the world.

Athanasian Creed - summarizes the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and emphasizes the importance of Christ, who is true God and true Man in one person.

Man is JUSTIFIED (saved) not by one's own merit, but only by God's grace.

Two Sacraments:

Baptism - establishes a new life in man, remakes him in God's spirit. Each Christian is baptized, many as infants, in order to mark the death of the sinful man in us and rebirth into holy life -- Christ's life.

Lord's Supper - is the Body and Blood of Christ borne by bread and wine in Holy Communion. Christ's Body and Blood in, with, and under the Bread and Wine offers Christians a direct encounter with God -- Christ's body and blood are actually present "in, with, under" the bread and wine. Christ again comes among us to forgive our sins, helps us to live truly Christian lives.

Prayer is an important aspect of daily living as Christians share their thoughts with God and He speaks to His people through His Word.

Marriage is intended for life; divorce is recognized only in extreme cases.

Worship is offered in reverence to Jesus Christ as God's own Son, who came into the world to save all mankind from sin, by His death and resurrection from the dead. We celebrate His presence among us and invite all who would believe to find strength and comfort in His Word and Sacrament on a weekly basis.

Christian Education classes are offered on Sundays and during the week. Attendance is highly encouraged for both children and adults.

Confirmation - instruction classes for children and adults that strengthen and discover the faith we have been baptized into. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we knowingly choose to be disciples of Christ and confirm our faith publicly as members of His church.

Living Fellowship of People - each person is called by faith into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and sent as a daily missionary of this faith into the world. Jesus commands us to care for one another and the world around us, to come together and worship often, and raise up children in faith.

Christian Community - We need Christ for He offers us new life and hope in salvation from our sins and we need one another as servants of our time, talents, money and love that every person may know Christ and come to Him as their personal Savior and Lord.

Discipleship and Missions - not just a member, but a living, vital part of Christ's body, willing to forget self and work for Christ, involved in serving God and mankind in a meaningful life filled with His eternal purpose.

What is a Lutheran?
What we teach & confess